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​CDM-Designated National Authority
B.   Designated National Authority​

The designation of a national authority for the CDM in Mauritius is a requirement for the country’s participation in the mechanism, as defined within the formal rules of the CDM. The designation of a national authority for the CDM in Mauritius was achieved through the establishment of the National CDM Office within the Department of Environment of the Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit. The National CDM Office was set up following a decision taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in March 2003. The CDM Office was attributed the task of assessing potential CDM projects to determine whether they will assist the country in achieving its sustainable development goals and of issuing formal host country approval where this is the case.
At present, the focus of the National CDM Office is on the approval process for potential CDM projects. However, it will also provide support to project developers and play a part in promoting Mauritius as an attractive location for potential CDM investors.

The functions of the CDM Office include the following:

(a) To identify projects which comply to sustainable development criteria and which are priority in the development of the country;
(b) To establish the national procedures for evaluation and approval of CDM projects;
(c) To negotiate with proponents concerning sharing of emission credits;
(d) To liaise with Attorney-General’s Office for vetting all agreements with other countries;
(e) To establish links with the administrative bodies of CDM including its Executive Council, and
(f) To adopt a marketing plan to attract investor’s/ private sector for projects for the reduction of GHG emissions.
The National CDM Committee comprises the following:
·         The Ministry of Environment & Sustainable Development (Chair)
·         The Meteorological Services (Prime Minister’s Office)
·         The Ministry of Finance & Economic Development
·         The Ministry of Agro Industry & Food Security
·         The Ministry of Local Government and Outer Islands
·         The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities
·         The Ministry of Public Infrastructure, NDU, Land Transport & Shipping
·         The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade
·         The Central Electricity Board
Any other co-opted member as required.
CDM Office

If you have any questions about the promotion of the CDM in Mauritius, or if you would like to find out how to invest in a project, please contact the DNA directly.
CDM Office
Ministry of Environment &SD
2nd Floor, Ken Lee Tower
Barracks Street
Port Louis
(230) 203 6200
(230) 212 6671
Contact Person:
Mrs. Dominique Sin Lan Ng Yun Wing
Department of Environment
Phone: (230) 212 6080

Fax: (230) 212 6671