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​Sustainable Development Division

​​The Sustainable Development Division has as main task to coordinate the ma​instreaming of sustainable development into national decision making processes.

International sustainable development governance is a key responsibility of the Division. For instance, mainstreaming recommendation of major international sustainable development conferences (such as Agen​da 21, Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Johannesburg Programme of Implementation, Mauritius Strategy, Rio+20 Outcome Document and Samoa Outcome) into national decision-making, rests with the Division.

In addition to ensuring coordination on national, regional and international sustainable development issues, the Sustainable Development Division is coordinating projects under the National Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for Mauritius with various stakeholders. It is also following on a SWITCH Africa Green Project, which represents a collaborative partnership between African Countries and the European Union to promote SCP and Green Economy. Projects to be implemented under the SWITCH Africa Green initiative will consist of ‘greening’ the manufacturing, agricultural and tourism sectors and capturing opportunities for resource efficient green goods and services and supporting local green entrepreneurs in starting up and developing green business ventures. 



Sustainable Development Division

Tel: 203 6200 (Ext: 229)/2119086
