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​Mauritius 2050 Pathways Calculator​

The Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change has developed the Mauritius 2050 Pathways Calculator with the support of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office through the British High Commission.

The Calculator allows policy makers and users to consider feasible energy demand and supply pathways for reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions up to 2050. For example, users can boost energy supply by building more wind turbines and using more solar PV, or they can reduce energy demand by using LED lightings and changing travel behaviour.

As such, the Calculator will be very useful for long term energy strategy planning and will allow us to:

      a)      determine how far renewables could satisfy energy demand in the future;

      b)      understand the impact of individual behavioural change;

      c)      quantity fossil fuels to be imported in the future;

      d)      identify pathways to achieve emission reduction targets; and

      e)      determine how to reduce emission with high levels of economic growth.

The Calculator is available in two versions:

  • the interactive web version of the Calculator for a graphical display of the feasible options; and
  • the full Excel version of the Calculator for experts who want to look at the underpinning model. 


Explore the Interactive Web Version​
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Get the Dow​​nloadable Excel Model

User G​uide​


The Ministry fully appreciates the support and technical assistance provided by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change and the India Energy Security Scenarios 2047 Team.  We also acknowledge the valuable contribution of all local stakeholders in the implementation of the project.