1. What areMultilateral Environmental Agreements?
The Earth system has observed various changes due to increasing human pressures. These changes have negative impacts on the life-support functions of the planet and on human well-being. Many countries are faced with global environmental problems and they have agreed to take joint actions to address the impacts. One of the method adopted by countries to work together on global environmental issues are through international agreements known as Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEAs). A multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) is an agreement between three or more states relating to the environment. They are produced by the United Nations which represent the 197 countries in the world. The Terms Conventions and Protocols are also used to refer to MEAs:- · A Convention gives a framework on the agreement. · Protocols are negotiated and concluded for specific targets or obligations which are required to meet the objective of the convention Several important MEAs were adopted after the 1992 Earth Summit which is the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.The world community needs to come together for a global solution for a global environmental problem. As a Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Mauritius has a fragile ecosystem and is increasingly faced with global crisis namely climate change, loss of biodiversity, poor management of toxic chemicals and hazardous waste, marine pollution. In view of the magnitude of the global challenges and with limited technical and financial resources, Mauritius has joined the world community to address global environmental problems in a concerted manner. Some 36 multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)related to chemicals, biodiversity, marine and atmosphere have been signed by Mauritius. The 36 MEAs were clustered into 5 main groups namely:
· Atmosphere-related MEAs · Biodiversity-related MEAs · Chemical -related MEAs · Marine-related MEAs · Other MEAs
The 36 MEAs have been concluded at different period of time and they have different signatory/ratification dates. Moreover, these MEAs have entered into force at different dates. Details on these MEAs on the date of entry into force, the ratificationstatusas well as links to access further information from the MEAs Secretariat and convention text have been compiled.
After signing the MEA, Mauritius become a member to the convention/protocol and is invited by the Secretariat to participate in international conferences. During the last two decades, Mauritius has been actively negotiating for issues in the interest of Mauritius, SIDS and Africa group. As a result, Mauritius has among other developing countries, benefitted from funding from various sources including the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Fundto implement national action plans/programmes related to the respective MEAs.Mauritius is well-known for its key achievements in implementing the obligations of a number of MEAs; the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are a few examples. At national level, different MEAs are implemented by different focal Ministries
The MOESD is the focal point (Ministry) for Conventions and Protocols as follows:
1. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) 2. Convention on the Protection, Management and Development of the marine and coastal environment of the Eastern African Region and related protocols (Nairobi Convention) 3. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ) and; 4. Kyoto Protocol under the UNFCCC 5. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and; 6. Montreal Protocol under the Vienna Convention 7. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 8. Minamata Convention on Mercury 9. Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal 10. Bamako convention on the ban of the import into Africa and the control of transboundary movement and management of hazardous wastes within Africa
Besides being the focal point and the lead executing Ministry for the above MEAs, the Ministry of Environment has the coordinating role for the implementation of the 35MEAs under the MEAs Coordinating Committee. The latter Committeewas set up under the Environment Protection Act, in 2008. The objective is to ensure a high level co-ordination on the implementation of the MEAs.
The Ministry of Environment is in consultation withthe focal Ministries to followprogress on the implementation status of the MEAs. The relevant focal Ministry may be contacted for details on the respective MEA. |