Award of Contract
- Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Grand Baie Site (05 November 2024)
- Greening and Embellishment Works for Major Roads at Quatre Bornes and Vacoas - Phoenix (01 October 2024)
- Upgrading and Embellishment Works at Public Sites and Places of Worship - Series 11 (24.09.2024)
- Consultancy Services for Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Belle Mare Public Beach
- Award of Contract for the Supply, Testing and Commissioning of Oil Spill Combat Equipment (18.07.2024)
- Upgrading and Embellishment Works at Public Sites and Places of Worship - Series 9 (23.04.2024)
- Notice of Award of Upgrading and Embellishment Works at Public Sites and Places of Worship - Series 6
- Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of One Triple Quad Ultra High-Pressure Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer System (UHPLC-MSMS) and accessories for the National Environmental Laboratory (NEL), Réduit and Executive Summary
- Award of the Procurement Contract for the Consultancy Services for the Review of the Siting Criteria for Stone Crushing Plant and Crematorium/Cremation Ground
- Award of Contract Selection of Consultancy Services for Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works from Flic en Flac to Wolmar and Executive Summary
- Award of Contract Selection of Consultancy Services for Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Rivière des Créoles and Vieux Grand Port and Executive Summary
- Award of Contract for the Consultancy Services for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructual Works in Mauritius, 2021-2025 and Executive Summary
- Award of contract for the Greening and Embellishment of Motorway M1 from Gros Bois Round-About to Wooton Round-About-
- Award of contract for the setting up of a health track at Ebene 17.11.21
- Award of contract for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Bois des Amourettes Site and Executive Summary 08.09.21
- Award of contract for the Supply, Installation, testing, training and commissioning of 15 units of portable smokemeters 29.06.21
- Award for the Procurement of Waterproofing works & associated Mechanical & Engineering Works at NLC Reduit 28.06.21
- Award of contract for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of one gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) and accessories for NEL 24.06.21
-Award of Procurement contract for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping Works at Petit Sable- Bambous Virieux-Anse Jonchée 23.06.21 and Executive Summary 1, Executive Summary 2
-Award of Procurement contract for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping Works at Petit Sable- Bambous Virieux Site 03.05.21 and Executive Summary 1, Executive Summary 2
-Award of contract for Management of Temporary Dump Sites and Carting Away of Post Cyclonic Wastes from Temporary Dump Sites to Mare Chicose Landfill and Executive summary 10.06.20
-Award of contract for Procurement of Services for Cleaning of Beaches for Lot 1 and Lot 4 and Executive summary 10.06.20
-Award of contract for Procurement of Services for Cleaning and Maintenance of Toilet Blocks on Beaches for Lots 1,2 and 4 and Exec utive summary 10.06.20
- Award of contract for the Rehabilitation of Mon Choisy Public Beach and Installation of Artificial Reef - Part I 20.08.18
- Award of contract for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 1000 (200L) Solar Water Heater Equipment around the Island 16.07.18
- Award of contract for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Case Noyale 29.03.18
- Award of contract for Construction of Rock Revetment Structure with Parapet Wall at Rivière des Galets 04.05.17
- Award of contract for Consultancy Services for Coastal Protection,Landscaping and Infrastructural Works in Mauritius 30.01.17
- Award of contract for Implementation of Multi Hazard Early Warning and Emergency Alert System ( EWEAS) 17.11.16
- Award of contract for Supply of construction materials for a period of one year 10.11.16
- Award of contract for Construction of a Refuge Centre, Drainage Systemand Ancillary Works at QuatreSoeurs 24.06.16
- Award of contract for the Procurement of: (i) 7,000 High Density Polyethylene Compost Bins of Size (200-225) Litres (ii) 3,000 High Density Polyethylene Compost Bins of size (300-330) Litres (iii)10,000 Compost MixingTools
- Award of contract for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) 12.10.15
- Award of contract for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at La Preneuse Site 04.09.15
-Award of contract for the Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Le Morne and La Prairie Sites
-Award of Procurement Contract for Plastic Litter Bin to Plastic Industry (Mtius) Ltd
-Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Bain Boeuf
-Award for procurement contract Baie Du Cap
-Coastal protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural Works at Grand River south East
-Coastal Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural works at Quatre Soeurs
-Consultancy Services for Coast al Protection, Landscaping and Infrastructural works
-Consultancy Services for the Development of an Inundation, Flooding and Landslide National Risk Profiles, Maps, Strategy Framework and Action Plans for Disaster Risk Management for the Republic of Mauritius
-Consultancy services for the development of a MID Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for the Republic Of Mauritius
- Consultancy services for the setting up of Nine Eco-villages