A shared vision of shifting from the traditional linear economy to a circular economy
The need for a better management of our resources is becoming more and more evident as resources are becoming scarce and improvements in resource management have demonstrated to having positive impacts in climate change mitigation, economic savings, resilience and poverty eradication, amongst others. There is need to transitioning to a cyclic model all throughout the value chain wherein we do more and better with less resources. This ecological and societal transformation will require that we consume in moderation, make and use products that last longer, use products as services, limit waste generation through reuse, repair and transforming wastes to resources. Our ambition is to successfully move towards a green and circular economy.
In order to ensure the uptake of circular economy policies, it is critical to initially formulate a clear transition plan with clear actions and measures that can be swiftly adopted by one and all and ultimately come forward with a roadmap on circular economy for the Republic of Mauritius. Accordingly, there is need for the collaboration of the business community, NGO's and the public sector.
In this context, the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate change is holding a three days' national conference on circular economy from 25 to 27 May 2022.
Objectives of the conference
- To present the current state of Circular Economy in
six specific sectors in Mauritius;
- To identify key areas of challenges and opportunities in moving to a Circular Economy Model in the six sectors;
- To promote awareness on the concept and the benefits of Circular Economy; and
- To make recommendations on enabling measures for implementation of Circular Economy and way forward.
What is Circular Economy? Watch Video
AGENDA – 25th-27th May 2022
DAY 1: Wednesday 25 May 2022 |
Opening Session -
Welcome Address by Mr. Gerard Manuel
Address by
H.E. Mr. Vincent Degert, Ambassador of the European Union
Address by UN Resident Coordinator, a.i. , Dr. Indrajit Hazarika, World Health Organisation Representative
Address by Dr. the Honourable Renganaden Padayachy, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development
Key note address and opening by Honourable Kavydass Ramano, Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change
Session 1: Setting the scene
Moderator: Mr. J. Seewoobaduth, Ag. Director of Environment - Recent developments in the Circular Economy transition in Europe and globally by Mr Davor Percan, Head of Unit DG ENV F2 – Regional and Bilateral Environmental Cooperation (Virtual)
- Circular Economy in Mauritius: Current status and policy needs by
Prof. T. Ramjeawon from the University of Mauritius
- Circular Economy – The regional perspective and sharing of best practices by
Ms R. WACHIRA, Programme Management Officer UNEP Nairobi.
(Click here to read full document)
- « Loi Anti-gaspillage » by
Mrs Christel Thuret, coordinatrice économie circulaire à la direction régionale Océan Indien de l'Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie (ADEME) (Click here to read full document)
Session 2: Bringing
circularity in the food system
Moderator: Mr A Goolaub, Assistant Director, FAREI
Address by
Hon Maneesh GOBIN, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security -
Promoting circularity in Food Production Systems by
Mrs Indoomatee Ramma, Principal Research Scientist, FAREI (Click here to read full document)
- Greening the retail sector – bridging the gap between production and consumption by
Mrs Stephanie Serret, Head of Department, Marketing, Winners
- Transitioning to a Zero Waste Strategy in the food sector by
Mrs Rebecca Espitalier-Noel, Managing Director, FoodWise Ltd. (Click here to read full document)
- Integrating food waste management into circular food economy: Opportunities and challenges -
Prof Daya Goburdhun, Associate Professor, UOM (Click here to read full document)
Session 3: Circular economy in the ICT sector (inc. electronic / electrical equipment)
Co-Moderators: Mr Kowlesser, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change and Mr. Rajnish Hawabhay, Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation
Address by
Hon. Deepak Balgobin
Minister of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation - Moving towards Circular Economy – Developments in the Electronics Industry Sector by Mr Klaus Hieronymi, Consultant, Geschäftsführer bei Circular Economy Research (CER) GmbH (Virtual)
- Extended Producer Responsibility (E-goods) by
Mr. B. Beerachee, Director, Solid Waste Management Division
- Experience Reunionaise - REP, by
Ms. Christiane Albert, Consultante REP/ Economie Circulaire aupres du SICR et Vice -Presidente, Cluster Green (from La Reunion)
- Recycling of Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by
Mr.Thierry Malabar, Project Manager, BEM Enterprises Ltd
DAY 2: Thursday 26 May 2023 | |
Session 4: Building circularity in the construction and demolition industry
Moderator: Mr Ram Bahadoor, Executive Director of CIDB
Address by
Hon Mahendranuth Sharma HURREERAM,
Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development - “Circular economy in the construction sector" by
Mr Dashwanyl Jhuboo , Director, Civil Engineering Section, MNICD (Click here to read full document)
- “Enablers for circularity in the construction industry in Mauritius" by
Mr. Tony Lee LuenLen, Director of Green Building Council of Mauritius, and Partner at Ecosis Ltd (Click here to read full document)
- Value your materials, a platform towards circular economy" by
Ms Stéphanie Bouloc, Fondatrice, La Déchetèque (Click here to read full document: Version 1) (Click here to read full document: Version 2)
- “Gestion de Déchets de construction et de démolition" by
Dr. Mahen Conhyea, Head Technical & Business Development of Gamma Materials Ltd, in collaboration with the “Union Nationale des Enterprises de Valorisation (UNEV-France)" (Click here to view the related video)
Session 5: Promoting circularity in the energy sector
Moderator: Mr Doumeraj Jahajeeah, Ag. Director, Technical Services , MEPU
Address by
Hon Georges Pierre LESJONGARD, Minister of Energy and Public Utilities |
Session 6:
Circular economy in the manufacturing sector
Co- Moderators:
Assoc. Prof. D. Surroop (UoM) andDr. R. Domun, Principal Industrial Analyst, Min/Industry.
Address by
Hon Soomilduth BHOLAH, Minister of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives |
DAY 3: FRIDAY 27 May 2022 |
Session 7: Circular economy in the solid waste sector
List of Speakers
Moderator: Mr Gregory Martin - Regional Council of Reunion island - Office of Mauritius
Address by
Hon. Kavydass Ramano, Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change - New Solid Waste Management Strategy by Mr. B. Beerachee, Director, SWMD (Click here to read full document)
- Tri des déchets et économie circulaire – Experience de la Reunion,
Mr. Rachid Razzak, Director, Service de Développement durable de CINOR, Reunion (Click here to read full document)
- Productivity and Design Thinking, by
Mrs Francoise Marechal-Charlotte, Head of Business Development & Consultancy, and Mr. Thierry Marechal, Design Specialist, National Productivity and Competitiveness Council (NPCC) (Click here to read full document)
- PIM et Le Recyclage, by
Mrs Christine Dimba, Quality Assurance Officer, PIM Ltd (Click here to read full document) (Click here to view the related video)
- Create New Opportunities with Circular Economy, by
Ms Frédérique Perpetu, Sustainability Manager, Scott & Co. Ltd (Click here to read full document)
- Mission Verte, l'association qui recycle!, by
Mr.Sébastien Geneuil, Project Manager, Mission Verte (Click here to read full document)
Session 8: Financing Circularity
Moderator: Prof. T. Ramjeawon, Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius
Address by
a representative from the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development - Private sector response to enable circularity by
Mr. Kevin Ramkaloan, CEO, Business Mauritius (Click here to read full document)
- Financing Circularity for a Strong and Resilient Local Economy, by
Mr Aldo Sydonie, Senior Relationship Manager, Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd
(Click here to read full document)
- Financing Circularity via Impact Funds by
Oumila Sibartie, Co-Founder and Director, Lineage Investment Services Ltd
- Financing waste management and circular economy in the green bond market by
Mr Ashveen Gopee, Director, Lex Frontier
- Moving to Circular Economy through Public & Private Partnership by
Ms Manjula Basant Rai , CEO, SPAANDA
Session 9: Summary and Way forward
Co - Moderators: H.E. Mr. Vincent Degert, Ambassador of the European Union and
Dr Patrick Mwesigye, Regional Sub-Programme Coordinator,
Switch Africa Green Project,
UNEP - Summary and Recommendations by moderators (power presentation)
- Where are we?
- Where do we want to go?
- How to reach there? (enablers / urgent and other measures)